Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visit to Verizon yesterday

So, after I got my haircut last night, I see that a Verizon store is right across the street. I decided to make a stop, just to see some of the new phones in action and to see if I can renew my plan on the spot.

I walk in and the store clerk is a large man, probably 250lbs, easy. He has a slight, kinda 'Boston-esque' accent. He is being yelled at by an old woman, similar in attitude and stature to that of someone you might call 'cat-lady,' who claims that she did not make some calls that she is being charged for on her bill.

The clerk is trying to get her to use the phone properly, things like "click clr to go back a menu" and "press send to see all calls sent or received."

Both of them are clearly agitated.

She continuously insists that 29 of the minutes that she was over-charged for were not made by her, claiming things like "someone has control over this phone and it's not me!"

The store clerk, with restraint, asks the obvious questions:
"Have you ever let anyone else use your phone?"
"Is your phone with you at all times?"

Then, he asks a question which resulted in the highlight of the night, "Could anyone you live with have used your phone?"

Miss 'cat-lady's' response:

Thinking back to my hasty generalization of imagining this woman as the 'cat-lady,' I successfully hold-back a laugh. That was pretty much the end of the fight.

I apologize, reader, for my cynical and somewhat mean humor. Believe me, she deserved it.

I talked to the clerk afterward. He said that this lady comes in every month complaining about the same issue with her over-charged bill. "I feel ya' man," I said to him.

With my new-found comradery with the clerk, I ask if he's got a Samsung Fascinate that I could play with. He hands me a just-out-of-the-box Fascinate, and I was a happy camper.

Assuming something else doesn't come out by the time my plan is up, I think I have found my new phone.

Thanks cat-lady. Without you, I might have made the wrong choice of phone.

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