I apologize to all the grammar nazi's who are sure to read this, I do not claim to be good at it, but please consider that I am just trying to express/alleviate myself, so be kind :)
At work, we were informed about a week ago (out of the blue) that we were going to be raffling off the old laptops that we used to have at an all-employee meeting (Dell Latitude D600/D610's, real stinkers). Bullshit aside, we finally got around to today and 50 laptops were raffled off. We did our parts in preparing them, stating from the beginning that we were just going to be giving them away, no support, you-get-what-you get. Now, an HR person (who will remain unnamed) just told Kevin (and Kevin alone) that Joe, my boss, will be taking care of this and that he would have to send out an email to all of the Troy facility. I wasn't very happy about her obvious show of disrespect for us. I am also unhappy about how most people here do not know how to follow directions regarding the "You get what you get" and "No support" policies we all agreed upon.
Oh well. I have had some time to cool down at this point and I have been talking out my frustrations with many people. Aside from this, work has been going well. I've had pleasant conversations with my manager and got some good food in my stomach. I'm probably going to be packing up some more later tonight, setting up my laptop next to all of my bags and boxes and sorting through what I will actually need to bring with me when school starts (less than a month away!).
Something that suprises me is how much I have enjoyed re-watching Dollhouse. I tend to be a little more critical regarding Joss Whedon's work, as his earlier career was comprised of relatively one-dimensional space sci-fi romps. Dollhouse seems to transcend that classification, being more about the moral implications and tribulations of it's characters (most of whom are, essentially, programmable people) rather than shooting stuff and wearing jumpsuits (though those are present, as well).
Another cool thing is that my final week at Behr Automotive is nearly here. I am now on my 5th to last day, and things are proceeding along nicely. Work flow is fair, nothing too strenuous (aside from what I mentioned earlier), but there are certainly things to do.
I have discovered something cool with my Droid X. I can send print jobs to mainstream retailers straight from my phone (by simply selecting the picture I want printed, pressing options>print, then selecting the store and size I want printed). The charges would go to my selected means, either the phone bill or my bank/credit account. I assume I would then go to the store and prove the validity of my claim, then receive the pictures. This will make it so much easier to get good pictures and have them developed.
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