I am a bit shaken by something that a friend of mine has posted. They are having regrets about the past and I would like to be there for them. Their issues are extremely relevant to me.
Hint: "Those who know, know. Those who do not, need not."
I am reminded of a time in my life when I felt left behind, left alone, and unwanted.
I wish there were a way to have gained the knowledge that I gained through that tough time in my life without experiencing the pain.
I remember when I was committing my moral sins (or whatever you religious kids at home would like to call it, 9th commandment for you Catholics out there, 10th otherwise), I would cry in the shower, the car, or anywhere else I was alone. I used to smoke, because it would give me a reason to go outside/away to wallow about in the bad memories (some more vivid than others).
No one helped or talked to me about it, because no one knew about it.
Sometimes, as I am remembering these pieces of my past, I realize how much of it I have just let sit down in the lesser functioning parts of my brain. In fact, until recently, I didn't even have proper mediums to express these feelings.
I wish things were as simple as knowing and executing. I've stumbled, I've fallen, I've failed, but I've gotten back up. And, for myself and the people I love, I will keep getting back up, and keep raising up the people who need it too.
"Candles burn slowly,
Flames shine so brightly
Light in the darkness,
Save me from madness again
Only the lonely,
could possibly know me
Heat keeps on rising,
Fire engulfs me again
Keep on rising"
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