Weekend was amazing. Had a great time lying in bed with CC, watching TV shows, going to Great Lakes Crossing, seeing 2 movies, and other things. Very nice weekend.
Yesterday was pretty hectic. Me and Jeff (new contract guy from netarx) talked alot. I deployed 4 computers yesterday. A record, I'm sure. Now only about 200 left!
Still enjoying my Droid X. I use it for reading, using the Kindle for Android software. Also, I've been using it as a super GPS, even making calls on it while navigating (my battery really hates me). I have to charge the thing every night because of the way I drain it during the day. Hopefully, as I get used to using it, this daily ritual will wane-down. (get it, a portmanteau of "wane" and "wind-down", I get jokes!)
Also, after much delay and not enough time spent on it, I finally finished reading the first adventure of Sherlock Holmes (mind you, this essentially means a 29 page chapter). Happened yesterday at lunch. I had my Droid out with a cup of ramen and a cherry coke! Very enjoyable lunch.
Yesterday night was fun as well. Went over to Jon and Steve's apartment. We were trying to decide what to eat for dinner, and what we came up with was a complete disaster of a meal.
Mon Jin Lau: the blandest, yet most expensive Thai food I have ever had. $14.95 for the standard, Pad Thai. I get it, and the flavor is so watered down, I was tempted to add salt to the meal to make it more palatable. Chu was with us and he said that he is never letting us choose where to eat ever again. I would definately agree after this monstrosity.
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